City Avenger Review – Gear VR
I used to play the crap out of it on my DK2. I have no idea where I got it from, it may have been on Oculus share or perhaps Wearvr, but no matter I got it somewhere and I loved it.
I used to play the crap out of it on my DK2. I have no idea where I got it from, it may have been on Oculus share or perhaps Wearvr, but no matter I got it somewhere and I loved it.
Everyone knows the “classic” board and card games: Monopoly, Candyland, and Uno just to name a few. Sadly, this is the extent of their game knowledge. There is a whole world of board and card games that use new and unique mechanisms, instead of the “roll and move” we all grew up with. For my first game review, I thought I’d start off with a “gateway” game. The term “gateway” refers to a group of games that are easy to learn and play, and introduce the new mechanisms to the gaming world. There are many games in this category, but Catan is often considered one of the best.
Welcome to Dad’s And Dragons, a website for geeks, dads, geek dads, dads of geeks and anyone else really. We are a “For Purpose” organization, which is a way of saying that we donate most of our profits to charity. We’re not in this to get rich. We’re in this to do something that we love to do and to help others in the process.
Neon8 is pretty weird. As you can read in the Oculus store description, you are a warrior in the metaverse and your job is to save the Neon8, which are some sort of strange computer baby, from the in/Zexts. In/Zexts are the bug-like monsters that are trying to devour the Neon8. To do this you run, jump, fly and shoot your way around anywhere from 1 to 6 or more floating islands picking up the defenseless Neon8 which are completely immobile.
I’ve just finished playing Affected: The Manor and I have to say, this is probably what horror games or experiences in VR ought to be. It’s creepy, it looks great, it’s not too long and even though it has it’s share of jump scares, you pretty much know when they are coming and can be prepared. In other words, you’ll be able to get through this one.
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